US Prof allegedly sacked over stand against LGBT

(Matthew Warner)

A professor of communications in the United States, Matthew Warner, has been allegedly sacked by Grace College, Indiana, for opposing pro-LGBT posts on social media.

The academician began working in the institution in August 2023. According to Religion News Service, Warner was relieved from his job due to campaigns by stakeholders in the school and some conservative influencers against him.

Confirming the reason for terminating the professor’s contract, Christian Post reached out to the school and the spokesman said he had "fulfilled his agreement for the year.”

The school added, "Grace College wishes Dr. Warner well in his future endeavors. As with all personnel matters, we cannot provide further comment.”

Warner holds a Bachelor of Science in print journalism and communication, a Master's in public address and communication from Liberty University, and a Ph.D. in communication from Wayne State University, USA.

The college was established in 1948 and is associated with the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches and had over 1,300 students on its Winona Lake campus in the fall semester.

Speaking on what it stands for, the school’s website stated: "We teach the scriptures as the ultimate truth in our classes, which means our sciences are approached from a creationist perspective, and we encourage our engineers to change the world."

There have been a series of complaints about Warner’s stand against LGBT on social media. In October 2023, an alumnus of Grace College, Evan Kilgore, reacted to the professor’s post on Facebook, noting his dissatisfaction over Waner’s decision to only recognize “he/she” pronouns. He added that Warner is a bigot and anti-Black for refusing to accept homosexuals.

Kilgore said, "Can a professor with this strong of a radicalized ideological hatred of Right-Wing political views truly be an unbiased voice of Christian theology in a young person's life? Is this the heritage and legacy you believe Grace should be known for?

"I truly want to express that this is not a personal attack on the professor, nor do I want (or believe) it should be. I encourage you to tag your friends to bring attention to this and discuss with them any concerns you may have in loving and respectful ways."

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