How God taught me the spirit of perseverance, Actress Candace Bure reveals

(Candace Bure. Source: @candacecameronbure/Instagram)

A Hollywood actress Candace Bure has revealed that the recent lesson God taught her is the spirit of perseverance. She made this statement in a podcast with America’s CBN Newsmakers.

She said, "There are things that I've been so excited about. There have also been hardships along the way. I mean, there always are. Every year has its ups and downs."

"I feel like what God has continually spoken to me is to just keep persevering, keep taking one step at a time, keep doing what He has called me to do, and there'll be fruit from it. Nothing will be in vain. And that's exactly what I'm doing."

She noted that there are some days when she finds things tough, and there are some days where she finds things easy. However, she is grateful that she has friends and family members who pray for her and encourage her.

The actress, who recently featured in Great American Family's "My Christmas Hero," has found support through the many messages of encouragement which she gets from the online platforms of Great American Family.

In her words: "There have been so many more encouraging notes and positivity that have been so valuable for all of us and me personally. This validates exactly what I have been doing on this journey with Great American Family, in my career, and with all of my businesses.”

On her Instagram page today, Monday, January 8, the beautiful actress said she stepped into the New Year with the same Bible she used last year. However, she will be using new markers to mark certain scriptures as she reads through her Bible.

She posted a video of her Bible and her new markers with the caption: “Stepping into a New Year with the same Bible and new markers. This is part 1 of the fresh ways I will be diving into God’s word for the year 2024.

“Remember, you don’t need fancy markers or a guide to simply just open your Bible and see what the Holy Spirit has for you!”

Several of her fans agreed to her idea.

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