YouVersion reveals Isaiah 41:10 as most popular 2023 verse

YouVersion Bible app has revealed that Isaiah 41:10 is its most searched Bible verse in 2023. In King James Version, the Bible portion reads, “Fear thou not; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with thy right hand of my righteousness.”

According to the Bible app, the verse is the most “bookmarked, highlighted, and shared the most.” In 2020 and 2022, this verse was also recorded as the most popular verse. While in 2021, Matthew 6:33 was the most popular verse.

YouVersion offers Bible app, Bible app lite, and Bible app for kids and it is a free, donor-funded ministry.

Speaking on the most popular bible verse on the app this year, YouVersion CEO and founder, Bobby Gruenewald said that may people have faced a lot of challenges and it is only normal that people will want to get attached to what gives them hope.

He said, “From a global perspective, we have all been through a lot in the last few years, so it's no surprise that people continue to feel drawn to the hope and peace promised in Isaiah 41:10.

“Even though there's a lot of fear and anxiety felt around the world, we believe faith is the answer, and it's encouraging to see people continue to cling to God and His Word in their greatest moments of need.” 

The app has hundreds of millions of users globally. Gruenewald noted that the aim of the app is for everyone to have access to God’s word daily.

He said, “Our vision is to bring God's word to everyone, everywhere, everyday, and we know we can't do it alone. More than ever before, we are seeing the global church unify around God's word, and it's exciting to think about how many more people will grow closer to God because of the passion and commitment of our partners to work together.”

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