5 Habits to drop in 2023

(Image source: Addicted 2 Success)

The year 2023 has been a challenging one for many persons, but it was also a good year for some. We are a few hours into 2024 and many persons have already set goals they desire to achieve in the New Year. For those goals to be achieved, there are certain habits that should be dropped.

1.  Shun procrastination
There are certain people that are not able to achieve their goals in 2023 because they always moved forward what they were supposed to achieve in the present. If one is not careful, one will still experience a delay in his or her 2024 goals if procrastination is not shunned.

2. Avoid laziness
In 2024, avoid anything that has to do with laziness. It could be laziness in setting new goals, laziness in your business, laziness in going to church regularly, laziness to personal study time, or even laziness to taking up certain responsibilities. Inasmuch as being hardworking can be stressful for certain humans, its importance and results cannot be overemphasized.

3. Eschew ungodly behaviours
As Christians, we are advised to live like Christ. In Ecclesiastes 12:13 Solomon said, “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

If you are one who frolics with ungodly friends, endeavour to turn a new leaf next year. It will not only help your faith in God, it will also help you to live a productive and focused life.

4. Stop complaining
Thanksgiving is our gateway to receiving abundant blessings from God. Psalms 34: 1-3 says, “I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt his name together.”

In all things, we are advised to give thanks to God. It is easier to get something from God when we thank Him, than when we murmur. Complaining all the time does not solve issues. At times, it prolongs it. So, it is essential that the habit of complaining is dropped in 2023.

5. Drop the habit of selfishness
The book Matthew 7: 12 says, "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

If you do not want others to mistreat you, do well not to mistreat other people. Treat them as Christ would. The selfishness in the hearts of humans has increased the evil in our world today. Some people hurt their fellow humans without thinking of how those who they hurt feel.

Always placing your interest first without thinking of others is a selfish act and it should not follow you into the New Year. Embrace love, kindness, selflessness, and look out for others.

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