'The Chosen' Tv series launch new film campus

“The Chosen”, a popular Christian television series in the United States of America, has launched a new film campus in Midlothian, Texas on Thursday. The series, which is centred on Jesus Christ, is said to have touched many lives since its release.

While speaking on the series, the Chief Executive Officer of ‘The Chosen’, Derrel Eves said, “What I learned was, one will always become two, if there’s something that impacts people. And, two will become four, four will become eight, eight will become sixteen, sixteen will become thirty-two until we can really spread the earth.”

The launch of the new campus saw many persons in attendance. The venue was where most of the Season 3 of the series was filmed.

While speaking on the series, the director of The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, said, “Well, I’m standing on this first century set with the goal of authenticity, trying to capture what the first century was really like. That’s the heart of ‘The Chosen’, we are trying to capture the authentic Jesus. The theme of Season 3 is ‘come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest’.”

He also noted the aim of the film is for viewers to identify with the characters. Also, it was quite challenging for him to find a proper location for the film set. However, they got Salvation Army’s Camp, Hoblitzelle, as a permanent site through a partnership.

Jenkins continued, “If we can see Jesus through the eyes of those that actually met him, including their struggles, questions, doubts, which we focus a lot on in Season 3, then you can be changed and impacted in the same way that they were.”

Meanwhile, the producer of the series, Chris Juen said, “This city was being built, the sound stages were being built as the season was going on.”

The filming of Season 3 was concluded about two weeks ago.

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