Spoken Word About Bullying - The Unrequited Kind

Chioma is 24 years old and  created her channel where she uses narratives and creates stories that help to provoke thought and help people to face the deep issues that they have. For her it’s a platform where creativity meets truth. Here through telling fairytales for kingdom (or any concept) she wants to help  get people to see the importance of having Christ at the centre of their life and what that can look like.

 I came across a spoken word piece she created that addresses the trauma that bullying leaves in its wake. This is a topic often glanced over and sadly not adequately treated either. In the scheme of things here in Nigeria it is not given enough weight. From findings it has been discovered that the trauma experienced by those that have been bullied has far reaching consequences, of which those affected are often ignorant about. The title of this poem is The Unrequited Kind and is by this young British-Nigerian born.

In the caption she had this to say, “Childhood experiences form how we perceive ourselves and world around us. The effect of bullying experiences in particular manifest in different ways. Sometimes people grow up with an aggressive defensive mechanism to protect themselves from being hurt. Sometimes people grow up feeling insignificant and keep themselves sheltered. The latter was me. I experienced bullying in primary school but still found myself at the age of 19 battling with feeling small, insignificant, feeling overlooked and powerless. If you have been bullied, I’d love for you to know that you are not what that experience made you feel. You deserve love, you deserve freedom and you deserve to be happy.”

The scripture reference was from 2 Corinthians 10:5 – “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

“Even if you haven’t explored that option before. I want them to experience the love of God and the nature of God through the pieces that I write. My story, my vulnerability, my transparency. To speak to their hearts and help them change and transform, ultimately   for my gift to bring glory to God. For people to understand through my vulnerability the love of Christ.”

The Bible reference displayed on the introduction page is found in Job 22:28 – “You will also declare a thing. And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.”

Click and listen to this 1minute 44seconds piece and leave your comments below! 

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