Gone Movie Review - A Modern Take of a Future Biblical Event

 This short film is all of 8:10 and so the story plays out pretty fast! The normal unfolds until…the out of this world takes over. The unforeseeable you did not plan, nor anticipate happens and reminds us all of the sovereign God. Circumstances remind us that nothing takes Him by surprise and how the ‘unexpected’ don’t derail the plans already set in motion by Him. In each scenario God has given each person the ability to participate in the changed trajectory and be on the winning side.

The movie progressed quickly, it does not really have time to drag when you remember the entire duration. As it moved along, yours truly had jumped (yup, I went there) to the end in anticipation of ‘how these things usually play out.’ I wasn’t quite sure how the cringeworthy scene was going to play out. There was an internal debate of how the Christian angle would resolve it. I was really hoping (dreading more like if I’m truthful) it would not be the cliched package with which we’ve come to be familiar.

I certainly did not anticipate the very abrupt change and tone that occurred around the five minutes mark. Omo, see action! The trajectory of the female character took off into parts unknown and left her trying to navigate, what she would soon discover was a new reality in the days ahead. For me this switch was not becoming of her (she didn’t handle it well at all) despite the extenuating factor of the event. You might consider me judgmental when you watch, but this is my opinion and I’m allowed.

It was refreshing the modern take and treatment of a topic that was over flogged in time past. This perspective anticipates clothing ancient ‘King James predictions’ in twenty-first century garb to see what they could actually look like if they were to become real now. Just like when I imagine the battle scenes found in the books of Kings and Chronicles…the heavy tanks and weaponry in place of horses, chariots etc., will make epic battle scenes!

In brief, Gone is a Christian short that treated an accepted Bible concept in an unconventional way. Whether they pulled it off or not…you be the judge, spare eight minutes ten seconds and give it the chance to sway you.



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