Bishop Kukah to Tinubu: God will not forgive you if you fail Nigerians

(Bishop Kukah. Source: Facebook)

The Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, Bishop Matthew Kukah, has urged President Bola Tinubu to work towards making the country better and renew the hope of Nigerians. He added that neither God nor history will forgive the president if he fails the people.

He made this statement during his Christmas message titled ‘Time to Reclaim Nigeria’s Greatness.’ The revered cleric, who is known to speak truth to power, added that sharing palliatives is not the solution to the structural problems of the country.

He said, “Under your watch, Nigeria must turn the corner. Under your watch, we must end the ugly instrumentalisation of religious, ethnic or regional identities.

“Your future and that of our country is in your hands. Mr President, you have no excuses before God or the people of Nigeria. Neither God nor history will not forgive you if you fail.

“This is our moment, our date with history. Now, all eyes and ears are on you. Our prayers for a united country are with you. So far, a few of your key policies have unleashed a raft of suffering on the masses of our people. There must be a deliberate effort to restore hope to the faces of the poor and vulnerable in our society.”

Due to the many challenges bedeviling Nigeria, he advised Tinubu to forge the nation forward without the concentration on religious, regional and ethnic bias.

He also noted that the destructive structure needs to be dismantled as the president needs to run an inclusive government.

Speaking on the killings, kidnappings, and other vices in the country, Kukah sought an end to them all, adding that justice should prevail according to the laws.

He continued, “We have heard the familiar stories of empty treasuries and the efforts at investigations. We wait to see if anything will be different. Lay the foundation for ending the unnecessary sufferings of our people.

“Nigerians have almost lost hope in the fact that a government can really and truly care for them. Nigerians have lost hope in the fact that our politicians will put our interests first and find a way to deal with the cancer of corruption. We had lost hope in being united again given the seeds of division that had been sown. Ignite our hope again.”

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