Franklin Graham Admonishes People To Get COVID-19 Vaccines

Evangelist Franklin Graham has encouraged people to get the COVID-19 vaccine as he had gotten his own. He made this statement while speaking with ABC News.  The vaccine has caused some disagreements among the Christian community. A great number of persons are skeptical about getting the vaccine although some individuals have agreed to take it.

The preacher talked about his late father, Billy Graham. He said that his father was a believer of modern medicine and he supports a vaccine or any other thing that can assist in protecting people. More so, he believes that taking the vaccine is in line with the Scripture since it has to do with saving lives. Hence, he has no issues telling someone to take it. 

Since the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines, the infection rate of the country has reduced. Bloomberg’s COVID vaccine tracker records that more than a 100 million doses of the vaccine has been given as at Monday. 

Daily, an average of 2.4 million Americans is being vaccinated. Graham equally appreciated the doctors for their time and effort in developing the vaccine. He also stated that he is hopeful that Americans will use it.

In the same manner, Graham condemned the actions of pastors who dissuade their members from taking the vaccine. In his words, when a member dies of COVID after refusing to take the vaccine, will his or her pastor be held responsible for the death? Hence, individuals should make that decision to get vaccinated, Graham concluded.

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