Making Money from Xtian music

Having spent some time working with some christian artistes, I am still trying to ascertain how music artistes can actually make it in this chosen field. How can an artist invest in world class music production, supporting video and attendant marketing only to be paid a paltry sum for his efforts? With the music pirates waiting at the fringes to dub the tracks and offer them freely, the artist does not really expect to make money from creating CDs. He has to focus on music shows. But how many fee paying shows are there in Nigeria? How much will the artists be paid for featuring at the shows? The artist is told he is doing it to promote the gospel and is therefore not paid much. But does it mean he has to starve or reduce the quality of his music production and video? If he does that, his music track might not be played and his video might not be aired. The Nigerian musician is really in a dilemma. Who or what will save him? Ask Rooftop MCs, Dekunle Fuji, e.t.c

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